Printmaking setup


A Leo loves sunshine!


My studio is a little, cluttered (but organized) back room in a Santa Fe adobe-style house a mile or two from Santa Fe’s picturesque Plaza.  I get good light from a south-facing window and an east-facing glass door that looks out onto a large backyard.



   In my studio I have a little hand-crank printing press that will accommodate up to 11"x15’’ sheets of paper.  There is a long glass-top table where I mix my inks and work on my plates.  I have an array of rollers and brushes and “texture makers” at my disposal.  A hot plate set up for warming my copper plates for better inking.  A “flip lid” trash can stands ready for solvent- soiled paper towels.

        I have a small, sunny table where I sit to watercolor, or upon which I set up my paper soaking-and-blotting for printmaking.  A tall-ish shelved table holds some of my printing papers and completed works.

        The walls of my studio are decorated with some of my “Minimal Fauve” oil paintings.  I don’t paint much anymore...but I will never give up my easel because you never know when the urge will return!